What do I do?

I offer creative transformation solutions to individuals and businesses through a range of support services including:

- Coaching

- Consultancy and Facilitation focussed on People and Culture

- People and Culture training

- Arts & Crafts and wellness workshops

My focus is always on helping individuals and teams to acknowledge the benefits of authenticity, creativity and kindness in all their forms.

Transformation can be a beautiful thing and it always starts with you.  I love that creativity, reflection and play can be so helpful, and these things can create belonging and meaning between groups of people.   I also love that creative approaches can be used as effectively in business strategy as it can in an Arts and Crafts and wellness session.  You see when it comes down to it what matters is always linked to individual needs for safety, love, purpose and meaning. 

Who am I?

Hi I'm Donna and I am the grateful founder of Turned on its head! As I've been growing my business I have learned so much about myself, my loves and my passions and this business is an expression of everything that is important to me and which I believe is impactful. 

I am a creative with a love of everything people and transformation.  I am an Executive Coach, an NLP Master Coach and an Mbit Coach, I am a Fellow of the CIPD with over 20 years experience working in People and Culture and I love creating engaging sessions that get to the core of problems or needs for businesses in a way that lets professionals play, reflect and explore.

Working with individuals and businesses as a Coach I enjoy helping people find direction, purpose and fulfilment by embracing kindness to themselves, through the use of creativity and through considering their authentic selves. 

My offer of workshops and events focusses on crafting and wellness and looks to make belonging, creativity and mindfulness available to all for parties, events, retreats or team building events.  I look to help others create something that is an expression of them and to share tools that will help them on their personal journey. 

More about me

What can you expect working with me?

An authentic and supportive coach, facilitator, event leader and trainer

Kind and empathetic and focussed on positive solution focussed transformation

A creative offer that draws on engagement, belonging, meaning, purpose, reflection and fun



Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







What can I do for you?

The main aim of my business is to help busy professionals to live happier and more fulfilling lives, embracing their authenticity, kindness to self and others through the use of creative thinking.  I do this  in a number of ways through the work that I do but all of my work is focussed on positive transformation.  My specialist areas are People and Culture, Leadership development, Coaching, Mindset and Crafting for wellness.  My style is very much playful, creative, engaging, emotionally intelligent and explorative.  I love working with strategy, vision and purpose, values and behaviours and team cohesion and direction and provide bespoke services to meet the needs of individuals and organisations.  I provide Consultancy services, Executive Coaching, Growth and Mindset Coaching, Facilitation sessions and Training and Mindset wellness craft sessions. 

In a nutshell this is why you should work with me in each of the key areas:

Coaching - I am passionate about making a difference, helping you to find you why, your purpose and meaning.  I help you to overcome difficult times and unhelpful mindsets to create a life that you deserve with a mindset that will take you there. 

Facilitation - My facilitation gets to the heart of the issue in hand with great softness and emotional intelligence but with an eye always on strategic impact.  The sessions I design are focussed on people and culture and quite often focus on addressing complex situations so that the organisation can achieve positive transformation.  My facilitated sessions get people involved, help people feel safe to use their voice and encourage engagement and participation.

Training - My training focusses on leadership development, people management development, culture and change.  All of my training sessions are carefully prepared to encourage participation, learning and change.

Mindset wellness workshops - My workshops provide people with an opportunity to create something beautiful and to immerse themselves in creativity in a safe space with others.  The sessions all include some learning about key issues that individuals can take away to help their own mindset.  It's learning and it's play and it makes accessible some wonderful Coaching and reflection that gently encourages positive change.

Please do take a look at each of my services and let me know if you would like any more information or a discussion.

What are my clients saying?

I’m not embarrassed to say I’d reached the age of 47 and I didn’t know who I was, where I was going or what motivated me. My career was a bit haphazard and I was struggling to find my purpose. I was lost, directionless and feeling apathetic about everything.

Over the past 6 weeks we’ve worked through a lot. I’ve got to know myself as my own friend which is such a valuable takeaway. I am clearer on my values, my deal breakers and boundaries. I understand my negative thought patterns and the behaviours that don’t serve me well. Moving forward, and equipped with a great tool box, I’ll be doing more of what lights me up and I’ll be brave enough to stop engaging in anything that drains me!

If you’re feeling a bit stuck, struggling to find your why or want to reset your mindset, I would recommend reaching out to Turned on its head coaching. What I got from Donna was not what I expected but exactly what I needed!

“Thank you Donna for a wonderful coaching experience - it’s been quite literally life changing!

Donna is warm and kind and offers a relaxed coaching style where you feel immediately at ease, and at the same time ready to do the work. Sessions were tailored to my needs, and values focussed, enabling me to identify values based professional and personal goals at a time when I felt entirely stuck and uncertain about my career path.

Donna’s passion for the benefits of coaching shines through and had the motivating effect I really needed. I’ve loved working towards my goals and I have the confidence to review and revisit them when needed.

I’m so grateful to have found a coach that I feel comfortable with, and I have no doubt I’ll be reaching out to Donna in the future now I’ve experienced the positive effects of coaching."

"Donna completed a breakthrough for me last year.  It changed my life for the better.  Thanks to Donna I have been able to let go of the negative emotions that were holding me back.  I have a better understanding of myself.  I have a greater feeling of peace, which has allowed me to move forward with greater clarity, confidence and purpose"

“Thank you the session was amazing! Really positive! "

"Positive, motivating, insightful"

"Amazing team bonding! Learned a lot about myself and my team! Thank you!"

"Wish all staff could do this session!"

"Thank you Donna for the fantabulous workshop you facilitated for Cartrefi Cymru, so much felt tip fun, glitter, personal and team reflection.  A very special time together"

"Such a fun and thought provoking session, thanks again Donna"

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