Breakthrough coaching is typically undertaken over a period of two days, weekends tend to be popular! This is a fully immersive experience and we cover so much ground in the time available.
A Breakthrough will help you to change things that are holding back or "keeping you stuck". For the purposes of your Breakthrough you will choose one or two areas of your life that you wish to focus on, this may be Business, Career, Personal Development, Relationships, Family or Friendships or Health and Fitness.
A Breakthrough is an incredibly insightful and impactful set of interventions. I use a number of different techniques to move you from what is holding you back to a clear sense of what you want to achieve and what you will do to achieve that.
During your Breakthrough you will learn what is really holding you back, you will identify your values and understand whether you are progressing towards something positive or away from something negative. You will understand your motivations and beliefs and get a chance to explore how these may be getting in your way, stopping you from achieving what you desire.
We will look to remove your limiting beliefs and remove negative emotions from the past and set goals which completely resonate with you in a way that you just cannot imagine achieving them. As part of your Breakthrough you will receive Time Line Therapy® Timeline therapy® helps clients to:
Many clients report that their Breakthrough is an experience that they will never forget and that the experience has been the start of positive transformation. Its exciting stuff and the positive benefits people report are just so exciting!
Breakthrough coaching is for people who are serious about results and who are committed to putting their all into the process. Its not for the faint hearted but it absolutely is for people who will work hard to receive fantastic results. You will be set some tasks before the Breakthrough intervention and I require your commitment to these from the outset. (Its all for your benefit)
If you would like to find out more about Breakthrough Coaching then please contact me for a free exploration call.
Thank you for contacting us we are delighted that you have taken the first step to creating positive change.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a wonderful day
Donna Gilbert T/A Turned on its head Executive Coaching, Facilitation and Training
Tel: 07990234334
Copyright Turned on its head Executive Coaching, Facilitation and Training® 2023